Much of the information on this web site is private and therefore you are required to register before you can be considered for membership. Membership requires two steps. First, you complete the registration information and when finished, your information will be forwarded to the site administrator. Second, the site administrator will review the information and either approve or disapprove the request. Either way you will be contacted by email with the results so a valid email address is necessary.
- Register by clicking the "Register" menu tab or the register link under the "Remember Login" check box to the left.
- You will be required to provide you name, display name (the name that appears on the site when you are logged in), email address and a password.
- Passwords must be at least seven characters in length.
- No two persons can have the same email address. If the registration process indicates your email address is already in use it may be you are already registered and have simply forgotten you password.
- If you have forgotten your username or password there is a link labeled "Forgot password?" which will send your username and password to your registered email address.
Please feel free to contact us with your questions or comments
Thank you,
Site Administrator